Stretch and grow

January 6, 2018

It is easy to remain in our comfort zone. All you need do is more of what you have been doing up to this point in your life. This is another way to describe stagnation and inertia. How do you move beyond your comfort zone? Begin to stretch yourself by finding something new to do. I recently hired my own coach and she has challenged me to take on new tasks that bring up thoughts and feelings that have previously kept me in my comfort zone. It is up to me to recognize these patterns and move beyond them. One such thought is fear of success. This stems from early childhood messages about pride and ego. I can now look at success as using the gifts that I have been given to make a difference in the world knowing that I am guided in how to use them. When I adopt this way of looking at my life, I can accept these assigned tasks as what I need to stretch myself to achieve my purpose in life. I have to push through the resistance much as an athlete does to strengthen their muscles to compete. Once I accomplish these new tasks they become a part of my daily practice and no longer feel foreign to me. It is what happens when we grow. How are you willing to stretch and grow today?

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A reflection of a mountain in a lake.