Take time to relax

February 8, 2023

As we go through our day we think of multiple ways to occupy our time. There are endless "to do" lists and activities that demand our time. If there are children present, this includes getting them off to their scheduled practices and events. We live in a society that values multi-tasking. While you are driving you can listen to an audiotape that can be an equivalent of earning a college degree given enough driving time. We make a business call while going through the check out line in the grocery store never making eye contact or speaking to the clerk. Stores are now creating automated check out points where you never have to have human contact. After awhile you don't know if you are coming or going. For us to create a vibrational level that attracts that which we desire, it is necessary to take time to slow down, relax, and focus on having that intention manifest itself. Each night before I retire, I listen to a meditational tape that helps me to do that. I find that I fall asleep easily and am open to answers through my dreams. I can also take 15 to 20 minutes out of my day to go for a walk and reconnect with nature. Again this is a time when I can relax and open myself up to answers the Universe provides as to what concerns me. I remind myself that we are human BEings and and not human DOings. When I take time to relax, I focus on my being and my relationship with the source of all that I need in life. What have you done today that shows your willingness to take a break from your busy schedule and simply relax?

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A reflection of a mountain in a lake.