That's perfect

August 24, 2018

At any given moment everything in the world is perfect, an actualized product of thought. Our political, social, and economic systems are all perfect in the moment because they reflect a collective consciousness that is present. Because we know that thoughts change, so does the condition that results from that action. Life is always transforming itself into perfection for that second. We know this to be true when we observe the effects of our thinking. What would our world be like if, when we decided to turn left while driving, we turned right or continued to drive straight ahead? We expect that our thoughts will show up in the form of our intention. Of course there is always the "I didn't mean to do that" approach to life, but we know that nothing happens by accident. The outcome is always exactly the effect it is supposed to be based on the cause. What this teaches us is to be mindful of our thoughts and the perfect effects they create. If you are dissatisfied with what is happening in your life which is perfect based on what has occurred up to this point, then choose new sets of thoughts to change that. Life will begin to look different for you when you do that. You will experience a new freedom and a new happiness. How is perfect manifesting itself in your life today?

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A reflection of a mountain in a lake.