The art of "can't"ing
How often do you tell yourself that you can't do something? You can't seem to find the time to exercise. You can't seem to make ends meet financially. You can't get anywhere on time. Look at the creative ways you have figured out to remain in the "can'ts." Are they a way of avoiding taking responsibility for your life? Of course there will be times when can't is legitimate. You can't be in two places at the same time when it comes to setting appointments. Look at those can'ts in your life that are based on a negative belief. What can you do to turn that around and make it a positive? Does it mean taking conscious action to commit to going to the gym or taking a walk three days a week at a specific time? Does it mean sitting down and analyzing how you are spending money? Do you need to set your alarm an hour before you need to be somewhere to make sure you arrive on time? There are usually simple solutions to your can'ts. If there is an underlying fear or worry, then bring it into the light and see it for what it is. It is generally based on an illusion you have created around it. What would your life look like if you didn't practice the art of can'ting?
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