The mind reader act

May 8, 2019

I sometimes find myself thinking, "Why did he or she act that way?" The behavior is usually in reference to an action that someone has taken that has affected me in a negative manner. The next step is entering into dangerous uncharted territory by attempting to analyze why the other person chose to act that way. The speculation that results is often counterproductive and my mind can race in a hundred different directions as to what the motivation was for the other person's choices. It becomes all about me and I can choose the victim role and an "Ain't it awful" attitude. In actuality I have no access other people's motives that support their actions. If I focus on myself and believe that I can reclaim my power over a situation without doing harm to myself or others, the present circumstances begin to change and I feel relief knowing that ultimately good will be the outcome. I can focus on what I have to be grateful for in the moment and the rest seems to take a back seat in terms of its importance and direct effect on my life. What are you doing to pass on performing your mind reading act today?

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A reflection of a mountain in a lake.