The Muse

September 21, 2010

I recently attended a workshop in which the presenter provided us with an assessment that included the roles we play in life. One of my major roles is that of the Muse. The Muse inspires us to tap into our potential and dare to dream our innermost dreams. This is a quality in myself that I have observed lately in meeting with several people to talk about projects that are on the drawing board. After careful listening I usually ask, "Have you ever thought about ...?" Then comes the really exciting part of the conversation as the other person expands on that thought and takes it to the next level. There may be an incubation period in which the idea appears dormant until it is ready to sprout and take form. This is referred to as The Law of Gestation. As a Muse I derive great pleasure simply from participating in the process. This is its greatest reward. How have you inspired someone lately to pursue his or her dream?

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A reflection of a mountain in a lake.