The power of belief
You are undoubtedly aware of the role that belief plays in your life. We believe in the physical laws of nature such as gravity. We believe that good health is related to a balance of body, mind, and spirit. We believe that we attract whatever it is that we place our focus on. Our beliefs are based on what we have learned related to results or outcomes. The more those outcomes occur, the stronger our beliefs. When we observe an object dropping to the ground, it reinforces our belief in gravity. When we focus on the positive and it pervades our life, it strengthens our belief in the Law of Attraction. If you choose not to believe that something will occur, it likely will not. If you don't believe you deserve financial prosperity, you probably won't experience it. This is why it is so important to examine your beliefs and continue exercising the ones that work for you. Begin to take steps to revise those beliefs that don't serve you. What are the beliefs that you hold today that make you the person you are in this moment?
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