The power of wanting

November 12, 2021

How many times have you heard yourself beginning a statement with, "I want...?" "I want a better job." I want to be in a relationship." "I want to win the lottery." When you are focused on the wanting, this is what you attract - more wanting. Wants are based on needing to fill a lack. When the emphasis is on the lack, you attract more of it. That is the power of wanting. When you choose to approach life from the perspective of having what you desire, the focus shifts. This is why we state our intentions in the present tense and know that can be manifested. Then we release the 'how' of this happening and trust that the Universe will do its part. You will know what actions to take that support your intentions becoming reality. The process is simpler than you think. All it requires is a willingness to try it. You can start with something small or decide to go big from the beginning. Remember that if its source comes from wanting and lack, it will affect the results. What do see coming into your life today and where does that intention come from: abundance or lack?

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A reflection of a mountain in a lake.