The power of your thoughts
Have you ever been thinking of someone you know and suddenly receive a phone call from that person? Our first words to them are usually, "I was just thinking about you." Or perhaps you are preparing for a job interview and say to yourself, "They'll never hire me. I am too old." Are you surprised when you aren't offered the job? These are only two examples of how our thoughts are sent out to the Universe for an action to occur. One way to think about it is that our brain serves as a transmitter much like a radio station uses. The waves are invisible to the human eye much like our thoughts. Your radio acts as a receiver and translates the waves into audible signals. Our thoughts are sent through the Universe and directed to the appropriate receiver who may be your friend who just called you not quite knowing why. Using this analogy, it is important to be dialed into the correct frequency for the signal to be received. This is what we refer to as our vibrational frequency which is generated by our thoughts and feelings. We have to develop an awareness of these thoughts and feelings to attract their manifestation in the same way we dial in to our favorite station. We know what frequency the station uses to broadcast and so that is the one we consciously seek. The process is that simple. What thoughts are you transmitting today that will attract what you desire?
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