The tip of the iceberg
Our minds are like icebergs. Just as 10% of an iceberg is visible floating in water, about 10% of our mind is at the conscious level. Our consciousness consists of the thoughts that are present and available to us throughout the day. It conists of logic and reason. It focuses on how we need to achieve what we desire. And, like the remaining 90% of the iceberg resting below the surface of the water, our minds also consist of a subconscious that resides separate from our consciousness. This is where our past memories and experiences are stored. It is a vast warehouse for all that has occurred in our lives. The subconscious is invested in the past and prefers the safety of routines and the path of least resistance. When we attempt to change what is occurring in our lives by telling ourselves that we can do this through changing our conscious thinking alone using our will power, our subconscious engages to maintain the status quo. This may be why our desire to lose weight, earn more income, or achieve other goals may become thwarted. One way to effect our subconscious is to begin to focus on our emotions. The more we can live our lives filled with positive emotions like love and joy, the more we can influence the programming in our subconscious. The subconscious will then figure a way to tap into whatever is needed to manifest your desires. Focus more on your heart and less on your brain to accomplish what you are meant to do in life. What are you doing today to begin to reprogram your subconscious to work in your favor?
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