The universal self
We tend to think of ourselves as individuals contained in a human body separated physically from those around us. But when we consider that everything in the universe is primarily energy, it requires us to challenge that belief. The energy that comprises our being reaches beyond us into the quantum field. Everything that exists is a part of this vast field of energy. It stretches beyond what we can imagine. if you believe this , the of boundaries between you and the person next to you are an illusion. We are all one, interconnected and part of a unified whole. It is much like the cells of our bodies that come together to form our physical selves. This is the basis universal consciousness or self that demonstrates that connection. When we choose to separate from those around us through fear, ignorance, or hate, we are denying that universal self. When we express love and acceptance of everyone and everything, we wish them only the best since that is what we desire for ourselves. This is not always easy to practice since we are programmed otherwise until we change our understanding of the universal self. How do you deal with this concept when you see others around you as separate due to their differences?
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