There's more to life
Have you ever stopped to consider how you are living your life? Does it consist of following the same routine with little variation? You wake up at the same time each morning, go to work, then come home for a few hours of relaxation after performing household chores such as cooking dinner, doing laundry, or helping your children with their homework. By the time the weekend arrives, you just want to sleep or pack in as many activities as you can. Only to repeat the same weekly routine when the weekend is over. You plan a one or two week vacation that gives you just enough time to begin to decompress before you are back to your routine. When you look back at this time, ask yourself how it has nourished your spirit. Do you wonder if there is more to life than this? If so, what night that life look like? Would you spend more time with those you love? Would you find an activity or hobby that allows you to disengage from your normal routine? How would you feel as you did this? After exploring these possibilities, ask yourself what keeps you from taking the steps to have them in your life. The bottom line is, “Do you deserve to have a life like the one you imagine?” If you truly believe that, then what is the first step you will take for it to become a reality?
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