Think like a winner
What words come to mind when you think of a winner? Do words like successful, accomplished, and fearless come to mind? Do you place yourself in this category? If this is somewhat of a challenge for you, consider a time when you were successful. It doesn't require that you were the first person to cross the finish line in a marathon. A winner is anyone who achieves a goal. That may be winning a foot race, but it goes beyond feats involved in competitions. It could be making a choice around a food item that allows you to lose five pounds. It could be helping your child with their homework and taking time to explain how to solve a math problem. Or it could be getting your driver's license. What were the thoughts and feelings you had at times such as these? Look for other times in your life when you thought and felt this way. You may be more of a winner than you give yourself credit for. What are ways you can be a winner today?
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