Thinking inside the box
There is a popular quote that states: "...our minds are like parachutes; they only work if they are open." Thinking inside the box is relying on what you already know. That's a great place to start. Let your experience talk to you about what has and has not worked in the past. How can you use this information to help you move forward in your life? Is there anything else you need to know before expanding your thinking? Today you have an opportunity to practice being open-minded and thinking outside the box. This is where inspiration and imagination come into play. What are new and innovative ways to approach what is happening in your life? I sometimes pose this question and wait for answers to arrive. This seems to be highly effective for me. I was recently trying to figure out how I could integrate certain interests and values that I possess into my coaching practice. I was spending too much time inside the box for anything new to percolate. When I decided to allow the answers to come, two friends suggested a venue for producing exactly what I was seeking. Of course I have to take the next steps toward achieving this. That's how it works. When thinking inside the box feels like it is taking you nowhere, try looking for solutions outside of it. What is happening in your life today that would be aided by thinking beyond the box?
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