Time is on your side
Think of how many different ways our society tells you that there is never enough time to accomplish what you desire in life. You are faced with deadlines, day planners that are overflowing with appointments, and your never-ending to do list. These create your mantra of "There isn't enough time in the day to do everything that needs to be done." You see time as marching along and dragging you with it. This can change if you look at the flip side of time. The concept of time is most likely a man-made one. Its function is to place a locator on you and others to help manage life. Time assists in planning the future and keeping memories from the past. There is no such thing as "wasted" time. Time itself would be neutral. It is about the judgment you make about how you have lived in that moment. When you look back on all that you have done up to this point in your life, it is all that you needed to be alive today. When you say to yourself that there is so much more you want to accomplish in your life, start today to move in that direction. I end each day by journaling without judgment what I have done during my waking hours. I find that it is less about feeling driven to complete tasks as it is to act in a way that fulfills my purpose for being here today. How are using time as your ally today?
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