Too marvelous for words
Have you ever had an experience that you could not find the words to describe? I have had a number of them including viewing the magnificence of the Grand Canyon, walking across the stage to receive my doctoral degree, and dropping over ten stories on an amusement park ride. The internal feelings could not be transformed into words that I could share with another because I knew that they would never convey what was happening for me in that moment. And for some reason I cannot resurrect those exact feelings when I am reminiscing over the event. These are moments to savor accepting that they are a special gift for you alone. No two people ever have or ever will share the same set of experiences that lead to such feelings. At this point in my life I have never been present at the birth of an infant or watched a son or daughter marry his or her beloved. The uniqueness of what we experience is part of its beauty and wonder. Think back to the events that brought up feelings that were beyond your ability to put words to them. Now open yourself up to more of them and know when they are happening for you. Be present for them and take them away as a reminder that you deserve such events by your very nature of being human. What was the last experience you had that was too marvelous for words?
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