Having attended my 50 year class reunion, I learned the power of tribes. I hadn't seen many of my high school classmates since the day we graduated. There were only 108 of us since it was a small private school in Pennsylvania that now exists only as a parking lot. As I scanned the faces of those in attendance, I realized that only a few were those that I had spent four years together with in classes. Talking to those at my table I learned that there were three distinct groups formed when the students were still in elementary school. Since I had come in from another school, I was unaware of the groupings. The groups had been developed by teachers based on expectations and perceived abilities. As a result of this, I was channeled into my tribe believing that all the other students were experiencing high school the way I did. They didn't. My tribe defined how I functioned and what I was to do after high school. I learned last weekend that the tribal system worked well for that. How does the tribe that you identify with today reflect who you are and where you are headed?
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