Unlimited love
What is love? Countless books have been written about it, our music celebrates it, wars have been fought over it, and movies couldn't survive without it. It is the bond that connects us to others. We associate love with the heart rather than the brain for it is in the heart that we most experience the sensation of love. We are born with a great capacity for both giving and receiving love. It is an energy that sustains and replenishes itself without the need for external fuel. We are so full of love that it cannot restrict itself to one recipient. We can love our family members, our significant other, our pets, our friends, where we live, and whatever brings joy into our lives. It is also important that we include ourselves as one of the primary objects of our love. Doing so ensures that we will do what is best for us at all times. We nurture what we cherish. There is also the love that we experience from a source greater than ourselves knowing that it is pure unconditional love. It does not judge us nor does it dole out rewards to those who qualify as being better than others. All are equal in its eyes. Imagine a universe powered by such love. How do you give and receive love today knowing there that it is unlimited?
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