Uploading your dreams
Shakespeare once said that we are such stuff as dreams are made of. Consider your dreams. As children we were encouraged to focus on those dreams. They were not limited by what we were later told was reality. We may have dreamed of travels to exotic lands or working in our “dream” job. They were not bound by what we could afford financially or fear of failure. Our dreams were the gateway to possibilities. As the years passed, those dreams may have faded. They were colored by messages from the outside world that told us that we weren’t talented enough or smart enough. We were too old or too young. Eventually we may have abandoned those dreams altogether, living a life of regrets. Ask yourself if this is what you want your life to look like as you approach your final days. If not, then it is time to upload those dreams. Which of them are still possible to attain? If failure was not an option, what would you choose to do with your life as you move forward? What would it take to plan for a trip to some far off destination or pursue your dream job? Once you commit to your dream, watch how it unfolds. You may be pleasantly surprised at what that looks like. Be mindful of those with whom you share your dreams. Avoid the naysayers for they are sharing their stories of how they have ignored their own dreams. What dreams are you ready to upload today?
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