Values and the Law of Attraction
Values are ideas and beliefs that we hold special and tend to be stable over time. Values may include achievement, security, or integrity. They are with us as we make important decisions in life. We have established a relationship with our values and hold them near and dear to us much like the people we care about in our lives. When we focus on the positive side of our values, we attract more situations that reinforce the impact that they have for us. When we focus on others and how they demonstrate conflicting values, we also attract more situations that reinforce those thoughts and feelings. For instance, if we value achievement and celebrate it in others, we attract more of the same for ourselves. If we focus on the lack of integrity of those around us because of its importance in our own lives, we will attract people and events that support this belief. Identify what you value and hold positive thoughts and feelings surrounding it. Then watch it show up in your life on a regular basis. Wh
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