What a beautiful day

December 23, 2017

While waking up to the sun shining and birds singing can herald the start of a beautiful day, there is more to it than that. For me a beautiful day is one filled with opportunity. I know that I will be given choices today that support my purpose in life. They may arrive in totally unexpected ways. For example, I was recently introduced to someone who does coaching in the precise area I needed. After several initial discussions I knew that we could work well together. All I had to do was to be open to what the Universe delivers. What often keeps me from doing that is my fear. I shared what my fears were with my newly hired coach and walking through them will be part of the coaching process. When I allow fear to run my life it can have a negative effect on experiencing a beautiful day. When I name it and claim it, it loses its power over me. The day proceeds so much better when I accept that I am given all that I need to live that day. I can create a beautiful day by adopting an attitude that it is ultimately up to me to make that happen. What are you doing to make it a beautiful day?

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A reflection of a mountain in a lake.