What do you save?

July 10, 2013

I was recently presented with the following question: If there was a fire in your home and you could only grab five things before getting out, what would you grab and why? As I formulated my responses, I realized that the exercise was about what I valued most. It only took a few minutes to write my answers. Needless to say it began with loved ones. The next two items were legal documents followed by a blank space indicating there was nothing else that I would grab at the expense of my own safety and that of others. Even the documents placed a distant third and fourth on my list. I wondered if the list would have been the same had I assembled it thirty years ago. Hopefully I will never find myself in a position where I will have to make such choices. What might my answers be if the choices centered around personal traits? If I was forced to live my life based on five character traits, what would they be? This question would likely take me days to complete because it would require some deep soul searching. What would my life and that of others around me be like based on which traits I chose? Would I include honesty, integrity, or generosity? What would be my reasons for saving any of them? It makes for an interesting exercise. What five traits would be on your list and why?

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A reflection of a mountain in a lake.