What the world needs now

April 1, 2023

While the Law of Attraction can be applied to obtaining material objects such as cars and homes, it can also be used to manifest non-materials. Today I attended a presentation describing in detail what we may expect as a society given our current course. It wasn't a reality I found to be particularly appealing. It reminded me that the Universe has no problem with the acquisition of material items. It only delivers that which we focus upon. It may be just as important for us to focus our thoughts on what we desire for our society. This may include cooperation, understanding, compassion, and love. Then we need to look for opportunities to practice these qualities as well as look for their evidence around us on a day-to-day basis. The Universe has no trouble manifesting such qualities in the same way that it does for our material desires. Our collective consciousness can draw what we desire to us on a higher level. What would you see as qualities that would benefit the greatest number for the greatest good?

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A reflection of a mountain in a lake.