What's in it for me (WIIFM)?
Sometimes it feels like people are caught up in offering their help and support only when it benefits or is convenient for them. A long-term friend tells you she would like to help you pack your belongings for an upcoming move but she wants to go dancing instead. You ask a colleague to read through a proposal for its clarity and they tell you they don't have time. This has become the familiar WIIFM that gives us permission to remain in our comfort zone. If you believe that what you put out is what you receive, then it is not surprising that others will be less likely to help if you are constantly telling them you aren't available. Granted that there are only 24 hours in a day and that we do have obligations. Think of what it is that occupies those 24 hours and ask yourself if you could replace a task that is nonessential with being there to assist someone in need. What would happen if we responded with "Let me help" rather than "I don't have time." When was the last time you offered a helping hand simply to be of service and how did that feel?
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