When you least expect it

January 28, 2023

I once had to submit some legal documents and found that a key document was unaccounted for. This was definitely out of character for me since I tend to keep things together. I had two choices: I could go into a panic and tear the house apart looking for it or I could release this to the Universe knowing that the location would become known to me. Later I was looking for another document related to my financial planning and, lo and behold, there was the missing document tucked away in another folder. I immediately knew where to give credit for what I could have spent hours searching frantically. This was a gentle reminder that all that I need comes to me when I trust and release the outcome. It is really about staying out of the problem and allowing the solution to unfold. When I attempt to take back control of a situation, it is evidence of my lack of faith that the Universe is more powerful than anything I am dealing with. It is also a reminder that my ego is heavily involved feeding my fears and creating more to fear. Just know that what is within your best interest will be manifested. What experience have you had in which something you were looking for showed up in a most unexpected place?

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A reflection of a mountain in a lake.