Who's first in your life?

April 6, 2018

I have been on countless flights and heard the flight attendant explain how to use the oxygen mask. They always tell the passengers that, in the event of a drop in air pressure, the mask will drop and that they should put their own mask on first before assisting others. Their point is that you can't be much help to others if you haven't attended to your own needs first. The same can be said when someone asks you who the most important person in your life is. When was the last time you heard "Me" as the answer? Many of us have been taught that it is egotistical and self-centered to consider yourself first. When you place the focus on yourself in a healthy way, you can create the type of person who can be of service to others. You give because you can, not because you are being driven by "shoulds" and "ought tos." Those directives are based upon other people's agendas. I think of myself first when it comes to my health, my relationships, and my spiritual practices. I say "Yes" and "No" according to what is best for me. By discerning what I am capable of giving and doing, I am fully present to help others without feeling resentful or guilty. Know that you are worth being first as is every one of the over seven billion people on this planet. What are you doing to claim being first today?

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A reflection of a mountain in a lake.