Why bother?
Have you ever found yourself in a situation in which you put forth your best effort, only to have it either be negatively acknowledged or completely ignored? If such a situation occurs in isolation, you could dismiss it as a one off. If it becomes a pattern, it may lead to the attitude of “Why bother?” This may further lead to separating from the work either physically or emotionally, perhaps both. What can you do when this happens? You could decide to harbor resentments toward the person involved. When you do so, the only person who is negatively affected is generally yourself. You expect that every response from that person will be consistent with previous behaviors only making matters worse. Another option is to speak to the person directly and share what is going on for you. Be specific in identifying what the situation was and its effect on you. They may ask what you would expect from them in the future. Be prepared to do so. Then thank them for taking time to listen to you. If their response is that they see no need for giving you feedback on your work, then you may have to decide if that is the right work setting for you.. At least you would have voiced your concern in a positive way. When was the last time you said to yourself “Why bother?” and what happened as a result of that?
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