Why wait?

August 1, 2018

What do you allow to hold you back from living your life's purpose? What beliefs keep you bound to a life that ends with "What ifs" and "If onlys?" "What if I had pursued my dream of owning my own business?" "If only I had had the courage to ask the person I was interested in out on a date." We make a decision to play it safe and remain in our comfort zone. I tend to rename my comfort zone as my "zone of familiarity," because there is always an ache and a tug attached to it that never quite feels comfortable. Each day that you choose to remain in the illusion of that safe place is a choice to deny what you are meant to be and do in the world. Think of what our lives would be like if Edison or Ford had decided not to create their inventions. Or if Michelangelo or DaVinci put off painting the Sistine Chapel and the Mona Lisa. These would then be names of obscure people because they had never taken the steps toward manifesting their greatness. You are no less than any of these because you each have a divine purpose to fulfill during your lifetime. What would you be doing today that would be evidence of the gifts and talents that are uniquely yours to share with the world? What are you waiting for in expressing them? Begin by finding a quiet space to ask yourself, "What would bring me the most joy and satisfaction today?" Then take the first small step in moving in that direction. Begin with the end in mind. You can always make adjustments in your journey as new information is made known to you. What is it time for you to take action on today that will bring you a happier, more fulfilling tomorrow?

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Ready to take your career into your own hands? Schedule a session with David to gain even more insight into getting the most fulfilling career for you. 

A reflection of a mountain in a lake.