Words of kindness

November 2, 2011

As I celebrated my birthday, I received numerous well wishes from friends through cards and emails. I thought about the time we take on a special day to send kind thoughts and how much it means to the person receiving them. Perhaps it is just as important to share words of kindness on what we might consider to be the ordinary days of our lives. Think about how silly, yet how meaningful, the scene is in Alice in Wonderland when Alice attends the Madhatter's tea party where everyone is celebrating someone's unbirthday. We refer to taking the time to acknowledge someone's presence in our lives on days such as these as a random act of kindness. If you have ever had someone you know contact you just to find out how you are doing, think how you felt as a result of it. What are you doing today to reach out to others with words of kindness?

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A reflection of a mountain in a lake.