A call for love

May 27, 2013

There are times that call for each of us to choose to express love when our first impulse is to express anger. Think of a time when someone you care about does something that displeases you. Perhaps they betray a confidence or break an item of sentimental value. Give yourself permission to feel the emotions that accompany the act. You may need to distance yourself from the person until you have calmed down. Then you can approach the person and tell them, "I am angry (or whatever feeling you experienced as a result of this) that you did what you did, and I still love you as a person." This separates the doer from the deed. The other person may be feeling remorse or guilt already for what they have done. Heaping more of the same on to them will not likely change what happened. It may only add to the baggage that they carry. What may result is a sincere apology on the part of the other person and an opportunity to begin to heal the wound in the relationship. Some actions may be beyond repair, but at least you can walk away knowing your decision was based on love and not hatred or anger. When was the last time you chose to reach out to another in love instead of anger?

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A reflection of a mountain in a lake.