A day for love
Today is acknowledged by many for performing acts of love. These acts consist of sending flowers, special dinners, and cards decorated with hearts and cupids. The recipients are family, friends, and those with whom we share an intimate relationship. Our message to them is that they hold a special place in our heart, and we want them to be aware of that place. But while today is typically a day when we share our thoughts and feelings, why restrict it to only one day? Why not make every day a day for love? Be spontaneous. Send a card or flowers or even a message online or a note left on the kitchen counter to let someone know that you are thinking of them. It most likely will brighten their day. And while you are at it, make sure that you are acknowledging the most important person in your life – YOU. Shower yourself with acts of love every day of the year. This is especially important if you are single. Be your own best friend by posting a note on your mirror with “I love you” written on it. Take yourself out to a movie or dinner. Spend time with those you care about. What are you doing to celebrate a day for love today and every day?
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