A journey into the unknown
With each thought and action you enter into the unknown. The unknown is a second away. You chart the destination. When you choose to dwell on what is negative about your life, your journey takes you in that direction. You hear this all the time when people refer to being down on their luck or stating that nothing good ever happens to them. You will often hear them say, "You'd look at life this way too if you had to deal with what I have to." Then they begin the litany of what is wrong in their lives today. They see the glass as half empty and we refer to them as pessimists. They are merely attracting that upon which they focus. Then there are those that chart their course focusing on the positive. They look at the majority of experiences in their lives as having the element of good in it. They see the glass as half full and we refer to them as optimists. They too attract that upon which they focus most. They accept the situation as it is knowing that it will eventually change to something different and hopefully better. These are simply descriptions of the human condition. You can decide at any moment where you want your journey to take you. What course are you charting today in your journey into the unknown?
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