A master plan

March 28, 2018

When we look at the history of our species, we see evidence of ourselves at our worst and at our best. We see wars, murders, larceny, and greed on one side. We see charitable acts, heroic rescues, works of art, and medical advances on the other side. When we look into this more deeply, we see that we are constantly striving to improve ourselves overall. Our library shelves and bookstores are crowded with information on how to be better at what we do and how we act with others. How many books do you know of that focus on how to be a more dysfunctional and destructive individual? While we are far from perfect at this point, we are constantly evolving toward being in alignment with our true purpose in life. That purpose is to express love in all we do. I believe that that is the master plan for us since it reflects the essence of Source. We are here to realize who and what we are that is an extension of that Source. If you are reading this right now, you probably adhere to a version of this belief. Each of us is a contributor to the success of this plan in how we show up each day. What are you planning to do to make the greatest contribution you can today to making that happen?

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A reflection of a mountain in a lake.