A pebble in a pool

March 8, 2023

We often think about the Law of Attraction being applied to individual needs and desires. What would the effect be if countless individuals set the intention for our planet to experience peace. Perhaps we might envision an adequate supply of nutritional food for each person. Or we might consider collectively creating a vibrational level that reduces or even eliminates pollution from our Earth. We don't all have to identify the source of such good using the same title. That source will respond regardless of what we choose to call it. Imagine the effect of dropping one small pebble and the size of the ripples it creates. Now imagine that pebble multiplied to the size of a boulder and how powerful those ripples would be. This can be the same effect using our collective thoughts and energy to bring about good in the world. If this was possible, would you be willing to focus your thoughts to such ends along with countless others?

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A reflection of a mountain in a lake.