Always and Never

May 1, 2019

Do you ever notice how people (including ourselves) pepper their conversations with either "Always" or "Never." " I ALWAYS end up with the short end of the stick," "I can NEVER get ahead on my bills," or "I NEVER get to my appointments on time." When we present the Universe with absolutes using these words, we are rarely disappointed with the results. We are not likely to see ourselves getting ahead in life, having adequate income to cover our expenses, or arrive at an appointment on time. The scenarios are endless. It may be time to eliminate this type of verbiage in favor of ones that are more positive in nature. For example, "I can ALWAYS rely on the principles of The Law of Attraction to work if I trust in them," or "I NEVER have to worry about the Universe providing what I need." Think about the results that this change can make in your life. What does your self talk tell you about some changes you might need to make today?

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A reflection of a mountain in a lake.