Anything is possible

March 23, 2024

I have often heard it said that the Universe has no limits in what it can do. Just look around you at our galaxy and the planet on which we live. It provides us with the air we breathe and the water we drink. What is so wondrous about this is that this is exactly the same air and water that have existed for millions of years. Talk about an incredibly well-oiled recycling machine. If the Universe is capable of performing something as sophisticated as this, then manifesting our desires should not be that difficult for it to accomplish. We have been given the gift of imagination that allows us to bring forth our desires in the form of thought and take action for it to show up in our lives. Whenever something new is called for, the thought becomes reality in the form of an invention, a shift in societal thinking, or economic resources. The only limitations are the ones that we impose ourselves. We have the ability to change our thinking about these limitations and open ourselves to all that the Universe has to offer. We might even ask ouselves why we didn't do this earlier. We do it when the time is right and we are ready to receive. What would you like to see as a possiblity made manifest in your life?

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A reflection of a mountain in a lake.