The journey into the unknown
We believe that familiarity constitutes the known for us. We have a job that we do five days a week. We have a family of three children that we are raising. We exercise regularly and eat right to ensure good health. Based on this information we create a set of expectations and assumptions about tomorrow. Tomorrow will be a continuation of what we do today. That will make it a known. But is there a guarantee that the tomorrow that we plan for and expect is a reality or is it our best guess? I think that the expectations and assumptions are the glue that keep the fabric of over six billion people on this planet organized and moving forward. So that is a good thing. At the same time, it is the unknown territory of life that each of us enters on a daily basis that brings true growth. As we learn we have an opportunity to practice new beliefs and skills in ways that stretch us. Our journey into the unknown becomes an adventure rather than a situation to be controlled. We can welcome the unknown rather that fear and resist it knowing that we are always given what we need in any circumstance. What has happened when you have faced your unknowns?
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