Ask for what you want

March 7, 2024

To celebrate a cousin's 60th birthday, we made reservations to stay in Maui. For a year we patiently waited for a room with a view of the ocean. As the time to depart for Maui approached, I was making daily calls to see if such a room was available. It wasn't. I set my intention that the right and perfect room would be ours. When we arrived we were told that we would be assigned to a room with no view. When I explained that my cousin had special needs, the room of our dreams became instantaneously available and we were reassigned to a unit overlooking the ocean. It was exactly as I had pictured it. Imagine having breakfast each day with a panoramic view of the blue tranquil waters of the Pacific. This would not have happened had we not asked for what we wanted knowing that the room would match our expectations. What are you wanting today that requires you to only ask for what you desire?

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A reflection of a mountain in a lake.