An assumption is a guess we make based on the information we have. It is also based on personal experience with the subject at hand. When information is lacking it can create a faulty assumption. Assumptions are our way of filling in the blanks. Remember the popular statement that goes, "When you assume you make an ass of you and me." It is normal to make assumptions. It becomes a problem when you share it with others in a way that is harmful. "I assume he or she did this because this is who they are." Such a statement does not allow for any other factors to come into play. Without the complete story how would you know why someone acted the way they did? Think about the times when making an assumption caused problems for you. Upon what information did you base your assumption and what happened when you had more data to go on? Was your initial assumption correct and, if not, what effect did it have on others when you shared it? Would it have been better to have kept it to yourself before sending it out to the public? How quick are you to make assumptions and how have you learned to keep them under control?
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