
May 26, 2023

We live in a Universe that is composed primarily of energy. The atoms that comprise our physical body are in constant motion even though we may not feel it occurring. Our vibrational level is affected by our thoughts and our feelings. When we have thoughts and feelings related to love, appreciation, gratitude, and beauty, our vibrational level increases. When we have thoughts and feelings related to anger, fear, jealousy, and vengeance, our vibrational level drops and we are out of harmony with the Universe. It is similar to having a piano that is out of tune. When we strike a key, the tone that is produced is unpleasant to the ear. The more out of tune, the more dissonant the tone. Rather than accept the dissonance, we call the piano tuner who applies his expertise to bring the note back into harmony. We are like that piano tuner who is constantly attuned to what we are sending out as our vibrational note. When we are out of tune, our job is to look at what is contributing to that and focus on the desired change. What are you doing to send out a harmonic tone today?

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A reflection of a mountain in a lake.