Begin with the end in mind
As your head hits the pillow as you prepare to sleep, what do you want your thoughts to be of your day? Looking back at the events of the day, what would you say about the quality of the interactions you had with others? Did you spend the day in integrity? What would a day spent doing your best look like? Now choose to begin today with an ending that matches that plan. When you spend your day mindful of your plan, you are more likely to live it accordingly. If you miss the mark, remind yourself of your plan and reset your course with the end in mind. In such times remember to be gentle with yourself. Throughout your day choose to express gratitude for all that you have been given. More to be grateful for will come your way as the day proceeds. Be kind to others, most importantly being kind to yourself. Make amends for any wrong doings as quickly as possible to avoid living in anger and resentment. Imagine what the world would be like if we all chose to begin our day with the end in mind. What would the end of your day be like if you began it this way?
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