Bring on the day
Today you are provided with all that you need to be in the day. It may not be what you want; it will always be what you need. When we focus on what we want, the Universe or whatever we choose to call it, responds to the want and it becomes intensified within us. Remember that we attract that upon which we focus our attention. Your life has challenges for this is how you grow. Their effect upon you is solely up to you. You can choose to expend great amounts of energy trying to control them or you can turn them over to the care of something greater than you. This isn't easy for us human beings, but when we do we experience a new sense of freedom. When you remind yourself that all your matters are being handled by a force that knows only love, then you can release the outcomes and enjoy the day. I am currently dealing with a situation that seemed as if all the doors had been closed. I decided to let go of the outcome while still taking the necessary steps to address the problem. It hasn't been resolved yet, but I feel much calmer and able to attend to other tasks that require my attention. One of the greatest changes for me in all of this is that I do not feel like a victim. I believe that all that I need to be happy and productive today is coming my way if I let it. Think of how much better my day will proceed with this attitude in place. Are you ready to bring on the day?
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