Bumps in the road
There are times when we wonder why certain events show up in our lives or why we don't always get exactly what we ask for. If we are willing to be honest with ourselves we may uncover hidden fear or doubt that is blocking the path we desire. We may be searching for a job and secretly be saying to ourselves that we are unhireable because of our age. We may be seeking a relationship and believe that we don't really deserve to have a partner who loves us for both our strengths and our weaknesses. When we hit these bumps in the road, it is time to root out their sources. We can ask for guidance as to how to address these covert or overt messages. Then we see how our lives change. Our age related to our job search becomes an advantage or we see ourselves in a new light when it comes to relationships. What is a bump in the road that you are facing today and what can you do about smoothing it out?
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