But a fleeting moment
Your existence on this Earth is comprised of a series of events taking place in a sequence of seconds. The words that I have just written are now a part of my past. The words that will complete this blog entry are still in the future. Only the keystroke and the thought that accompanies it are what we consider to be in the present. Given its brevity, how do you choose to use this precious time? Do you choose to spend it in living a life of purpose mindful of those around you or do you use it to wander through life unaware of why you are here? Your presence here is not by accident. You are part of a greater plan to make a difference in the world. When you accept this you begin to behave accordingly. Do you know what your purpose is? It is ultimately to express love to others. This will take shape based on how you are uniquely present in the world. It may be through your work, through your relationships with others, or in stewardship to the planet. Finding your purpose isn't always easy. But once you know what it is, you begin to use your time here more wisely. What are you doing in this very moment to live your purpose?
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