Rushing to slow down

July 31, 2020

From the moment we waken we are on the go. "There aren't enough hours in the day" or "So much to do and so little time to do it" are often used to describe our frantic pace. We pack our day with activities. We go to work, rush home for a quick dinner before heading off to an exercise class or to your child's soccer game, go food shopping, ad infinitum. The weekends only provide more hours to fill with more to do. At the end of the day we collapse into bed with our heads spinning only to repeat it tomorrow. We feel like we are in a proverbial hamster cage running in a never ending wheel. We vow that this is not forever and that there will come a time when life will flow at a much slower speed. I have heard people describe their idyllic life in the future, but it never happens. Not long after they make the transition to what they hoped for, their life ends abruptly. Today is the day to take inventory of your life and decide if you are enjoying it or enduring it. Are you taking time to smell the roses along the way? If not, what can you do today to slow down and relax and renew?

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A reflection of a mountain in a lake.