Caught up in the moment
Think of what holds your attention. Perhaps it is breathtaking scenery, a favorite song that elicits warm memories of a past love, or an unbelievable play on the football field. It is an event in your life that seems to suspend time. I recall seeing rainbows projected onto clouds as the sun scattered its light through snow crystals and everything else around me seemed insignificant. For a brief instant you are perfectly in the moment. The past and future are nonexistent for you. Where do you most often experience such moments? Do they resonate more in the head or the heart? If you feel like you could burst because of what fills you in those seconds, you may have your answer to that question. Being in the moment may be more heart felt than head filled. As you go through your day, look for such moments and savor them. They are what feed your well-being and spirit. When was the last time you were caught up in the moment and how did it affect the rest of the day?
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