Cause and effect
For an event to occur there must be a cause behind it. Our car starts because we turn on the ignition which sets a number of mechanical processes in motion. We plan a vacation because we have the financial resources to support the expenses involved. We increase our strength by exercising our muscles. On a more cosmic level, the sun generates its heat and light through the process of nuclear fusion. The seasons are caused by the tilt of the earth as it revolves around the sun. The planets are held in place based on their gravitational fields. There is nothing that we know of that occurs in our universe without a cause to produce it. One of the greatest causes of what we see around us is thought. Human thought is the basis for all the conveniences of life for each invention and work of art began as a thought which led to action which results in the world around us. Yet cause and effect can also be viewed as a reverse domino phenomenon where each cause is preceded by a prior effect which had its own unique cause ad infinitum. What is the first cause? Many believe it is the sole Creator of all that was, is, or will ever be. It causes one to think of the incredible power and potential of such a force. What would our lives be like without its presence and would there be life at all? It is something to ponder. What are your thoughts on power of cause and effect in your life?
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