Change and transition

February 29, 2020

Most people think of change and transition as being synonymous. They aren't. Change refers to the external or physical circumstances in our lives. You may be laid off from work, end a marriage, be diagnosed with a health condition, or pursue higher education. Each of these requires an adjustment in how you proceed with your life. Transition refers to the psychological response you experience as the change occurs. You may approach each of the examples cited in a variety of ways. For some it can be a time of fear and uncertainty. For others it can be filled with excitement and hope. For many it is a time when they feel like control over their lives has been taken away from them and are unsure of how to regain it. It is important to remember that change and the transition that accompanies it are a normal part of life. Recall changes from the past and how you survived them. Learn from these experiences and how they can strengthen you. What changes in life are you encountering now and what does your transition through them look and feel like?

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