Closing the door

April 23, 2018

We often hear the adage, "When one door closes another opens." Sometimes I wonder just how the one door closes. I think back to events in my life when I thought I was traveling the road leading to peace and contentment. I was in a relationship that was all I had hoped for or a job that I thoroughly enjoyed. From out of nowhere those circumstances abruptly ended. My partner no longer wanted the relationship to continue or I was told my position no longer existed. I felt more like someone had slammed the door in my face as opposed to the door gently closing. Sometimes we feel like the door closing is completely out of our control. We eventually have to accept what occurred and let it go. It is then that we are open to a new door. In other cases it is we who consciously close the door and bid farewell to the past. How doors close may vary. All we need do is realize that nothing is permanent and that doors are forever opening to provide new opportunities for growth and freedom. When was the last time a door closed for you and what awaited you when the new door opened?

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A reflection of a mountain in a lake.