Coming from love

October 10, 2022

Have you ever had a time when you felt frustrated, hurt, or disappointed with a person or situation? Perhaps you thought that you were being treated unfairly or that your expectations were not being met much less listened to. The longer the situation lasted, the more the resentment built. You may have even addressed it directly with little or no change taking place. Maybe you spent time in your mind plotting out how you might get back at them. There was little space for sending thoughts of love to them based on your position. And yet all of this ultimately affected you and not the other person or situation involved. It was the proverbial “you drinking the poison hoping that the other person would die.” Think of how much valuable energy you wasted doing this. Another approach would be to take time to send thoughts of love to that individual. At first it might not be easy. The process would begin with you realizing that this was just another person journeying through life with their own agenda and lessons to be learned. That might help stop you from taking their actions personally. Then begin to send them thoughts of love that included all that you would wish for your own well-being. Focus on how that feels for you as you do it and any shifts in attitude that might change for you for the better. Who would you be sending your love to and what would you wish for them that you would want for yourself?

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A reflection of a mountain in a lake.